Hello from lovely Colorado! That’s right- I’ve moved- to Denver, Colorado. So far, I love it, but my lack of steady employment is starting to take its toll.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited and pleased that, within two weeks of getting to Denver, I was employed with two separate part time jobs. However, 17 total hours of work per week just aren’t going to cut it.

What is a girl to do? Jobs are hard to come by and I like what I am doing, but the rent is high and bills have to be paid.

After hours and hours of scouring sites like Monster.com, Craigslist and even government job listings, my fingers are worn to the bone from typing and re-typing the same canned answers to the same canned resume questions. How many times will I have to fill out those online resume service websites that conk out on you every time you click to a new page?

I’ve filled out countless resumes- now I sit and I wait…

BING- You’ve Got Mail!

Dear Insert Name Here,

Thank you very much for your interest. Due to the amount of applications we receive, you will probably not be picked for this position, so do not feel bad if we do not ever get in touch with you to let you know that we have filled the position.

Good luck somewhere else.



I could sit here all day and drive myself crazy… or, I could go outside and shoot a few photos. Which is what I did:

Repeat the process- and here I am again, taking camera phone pictures of food and drink:

I really enjoy one of my current jobs, and am learning much from the other, but I guess what I’m saying here is that I need something more. I want to get to a more secure place and maybe start saving for a better way of life. I am, after all, in my late twenties and that settling down itch isn’t far away.

When is the right time to stop kidding yourself and give in to the man to get closer to your dream? Does giving in mean giving up?

What started out as a posting about a huge step in the right direction has turned into a rambling garble of the thoughts zooming through my mind. The answers are never right nor wrong; black nor white. The key, as I’ve learned, is in the immortal words of Dory from Finding Nemo:

Just keep swimming… just keep swimming…

Keep doing what you have to do to survive, but don’t lose sight of what you want in the future.

Well, I say to myself, I certainly will try…


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